JUNE 2023 - Aerial filming Cairngorms for Dana BBC ALBA

A great few days in the Cairngorm mountains filming with an awesome team with Hamish Directing and camera, Kenny presenting with his mate Jenna and Rich on safety with his wife Gillian doing a bit of portering.

We headed in to climb the scramble up onto Angels Peak after staying in the Garbh Corrie Bothy for the night. Well most of us in tents. then we climbing up Ben Macdui and onto Craggan Coire Etchancan to camp just above it. the team then climbed Talisman and we walked out in pouring rain:) Fortunately the weather stayed reasonable for the rest of the trip but just involved very early starts to avoid the worst of the rain each day.

Angels Peak

Coire Etchachan

April 2023 - Aerial filming North West Highlands on the 'The Old Man of Stoer' for Dana.

Second episode of ‘Dana’ for Solus Productions that will be on BBC ALBA in the autumn. Here we head to the Old man of Stoer in the NW highlands. First climbed by Tom Patey and Brian Robertson in 1967. We planned to climb the other popular route on it and a few grades harder than the original which is the E1 that goes up the face to the left of the original and is a very photogenic route. Joining the team was Calum who is from Skye and the first contributor apart from Coineach (Kenny) who presents that speaks Gaelic.

The weather definitely made us work here and Rich and milky headed up a day early on a lovely sunny day to fix the ropes for Hamish to jug up infant of Kenny and film. Hamish Macleod was directing and doing the main camera, while I shot two second cameras from the shore. We then got them to climb it again so we could get my drone shots without the extra ropes etc on the route. with heavy swells and often rain we managed to get the sequences done in the end:) Hopefully make a great episode. Rich Parker and Malcolm Airey did the safety for this. Shetland next I believe but into June for that:)

Kenny and Calumn on top:)

Kenny and Calumn with a weirdly short looking stack lol.

Team on top Hamish with camera.

JUNE 2021 - Drone pilot and cameraman in Glencoe for BBC ALBA

A couple of great days in Glencoe on our Dana Tv series with the great team from SOLUS Productions. Myself on Drone and long lens again with Hamish on main camera and directing. Kenny starring and Matt along for the ride. Rowan in production with us and Andy Nelson doing Hamish’s safety on the rock route while I scrambled up curved ridge myself on the first day to get good angles for filming the team on Agags groove a V.Diff climb. The following day we filmed some running on the Devils Staircase.

Agags Groove on the Buichaile Etive Mor