APRIL 2023 - Drone pilot in Orkney and some camera work for Stramash Films Ltd

Great few days filming with Deva Smith from Stramash films as we film with Orbital a company leading the way with tidal power. Super interesting to see what they do. Also very interesting flying my drone from a moving boat that can’t stop for me as it’s towing a 700 ton turbine. usually have the option of getting the boat to slow down or stop completely as I land. deva was catching the drone and did a great job at it as he has done it many times before.

Had to set up NOTAMS with Kirkwall airport for this as the final position was within the FRZ . Lovely being out on a boat round Orkney and it was a great sunny day:)

MARCH 2023 - Drone Operator Orkney for National geographic "WW2 Secrets from Above'

Up in Orkney with Nathan a director I’ve worked with previously but on a nature film. This time we would be filming from a boat. Thankfully on a wonderfully calm and sunny day. Which was sandwiched between two pouring with rain and windy days lol. Very lucky!

We would be on the dive boat mvhuskyan (www.huskyan.com) with Emily and Ben. Emily was our presenter here and she was brilliant on camera and had pretty interesting stories on the ships of Scapa Flow where we were filming.

As far as the drone went I was mainly tracking the boat here and doing a few GV’s (General Views) of the lookouts and machine gun placements and some shots of the blockade ships. Most of the interesting bits are underwater so this would be Emily’s stock footage and some amazing 3D models that she has. Not sure when this will be out but it’ll be on the Nat Geo channel on Disney plus.

We filmed a few bits afterwards pretending I was a German submarine in Kirk’s Bay where the Nazi’s snuck through several defences to then sink the Royal Oak killing many men and obviously surprising the British army in the worst way that Scapa flow was not 100% safe. Really interesting history. Nathan did a fantastic job of launching and catching the drone about 8 times. Thankfully it was smooth. The boat was brilliant and very comfortable too. Probably the best I’ve flown from.

Stromness where we met the MVHuskyan

Me tracking the boat with the Inspire 2 drone with X7 Camera. Video by Emily out her window:)

JULY 2021 - Drone and cameraman on the north coast and Orkney today fro BBC Education

A fun day out filming sea stacks. There was a lot of mist and sea fog today but still managed to get the plates for another animation. Also used a little stock of the Old man of Hoy from when I climbed it a few years ago:)

A mysterious Old man of Hoy just poking out as seen from the ferry