AUGUST 2020 - Douglas Roulston Artist Film

Been working with Douglas Roulston ( ), an artist from Dundee on a film about his art. This has been great fun and we have been around a fair bit. I’ll keep most of it a secret for when we get the film out. Couple of shots below. Little bit of filming in July, August and September. I am shooting it on Anamorphic lenses and aerial shots are just drone camera that will be cropped to match the anamorphic lens:)

Douglas painting on Suilven

Douglas painting on Suilven



Studio filming in Dundee

Studio filming in Dundee

AUGUST 2020 - 3rd episode of 'Don't be like Barry'

The 3rd film of Barry this time tackling doing Jobbies in the wild. Some popular spots are pretty horrible now with poo and toilet paper everywhere, doh. Something that has appeared all over the news of late.

Hoping to still make the next two films which will look at Camping and campfires as we always planned for a 5 episode mini series:) Scott from the Pine Marten bar plays Barry. Hope you enjoy:)

JULY 2020 - 'Don't be like Barry' film series

Well I got a new lens for my camera, an Anamorphic one, Sirui 50mm. Basically wide screen cinema type lens, the cheapest one ever made and it is great. So looking for some test projects, I decided that I should try and help educate the litterers and dirty campers that have emerged since lockdown. Obviously I have been making some official films on responsible travel, but I wanted a bit more edge to it and possible comedy. I think the idea stemmed from some Aussie or kiwi hard hitting adverts I’d seen in the past.

Anyway I wrote a few scripts and then tried to find a person willing to be Barry which took a bit of thought. Scott from the Pine Marten Bar at loch Morlich was keen though after several nights of picking up litter from the beach. 9 bags his first night!

Anyway here are the first two and 3 more to follow:) Hopefully it helps a little, worth trying something anyway. As of today the first one has 92K views on facebook and the 2nd one has 54K. A few less on youtube which is always the way:)